Greetings from Festival 2019


Greetings from Festival 2019

Dear friends!

Participants, guests and spectators of the 5th Apricot Tree Ujan International Documentary Film Festival!

We heartily salute you and deeply hope that the festival will be equally beneficial for both the participants and the viewers.

Many pleasant meetings await us all with new films and their creators. We are looking forward to the discussions and deliberations, talks about cinema – past, present and future.

Our festival village has no hotels and no red carpets…

All participants live in the villagers’ houses and share with their good hosts their simple (or maybe far from simple) meals. The films are screened not in cinemas, but under the open sky with benches for special viewers and haystacks for the rest of us. All of this, plus the excursions to notable historic landmarks will allow the guests to get acquainted with our culture from the inside, while the people of Ujan will come face to face with the most proactive and leading part of the intelligentsia of various countries – the authors and creators of documentary cinema.

And so, welcome all and best of luck!

Garegin Zakoyan
Apricot Tree Ujan IDFF director
Filmadaran NGO president