Artavazd Pelechian. The Filmmaker is a Cosmonaut/ Artavazd Pelechian – Le cinéaste est un cosmonaute


Artavazd Pelechian. The Filmmaker is a Cosmonaut/ Artavazd Pelechian – Le cinéaste est un cosmonaute

Artavazd Pelechian. The Filmmaker is a Cosmonaut/
Artavazd Pelechian – Le cinéaste est un cosmonaute
France, 2018, 60’
in French w/ Arm./Eng. subtitles

Director and Cinematographer: Vincent Sorrel
Editor: Eric Pellet
Sound: Vincent Sorrel
Executive producer: Ardèche images production
Coproducer: Cinema +
With the participation of Rhône-Alpes Region, CNC, COSIP
Artavazd Pelechian has produced unique works because he thinks about the making of his films like no other filmmaker. Vincent Sorrel’s filmic examination of Peleshyan’s creative path takes us into the studio of the filmmaker who puts himself at a distance from reality to better approach images, in order to transform the world in his hands…

Vincent Sorrel

Artavazd Pelechian. The Filmmaker is a Cosmonaut/ Artavazd Pelechian – Le cinéaste est un cosmonaute