Balora/ بالورا


Balora/ بالورا

Balora/ بالورا
Iran, 2021, 30’
in Kurdish w/ Eng./ Arm. subtitles

Director, Scriptwriter, and Cinematographer: Abdolghader Khaledi
Producers: Abdolghader Khaledi, Sargol Moradi
Editor: Abdolghader Khaledi
Composer: Delzarb Abedi
Sound: Mehdi Yeganeh, Arfan Yazdi
The director and his group are looking for people who may have information about a particular style of old and forgotten Kurdish singing called Balora.

Abdolghader Khaledi

Born in 1991, Abdoghader Khaledi is a student of cinema at Kamal-ol-Molk University of Iran.


Balora (2021).