
A countless number of cameras and televisions in need of repair go through Miguel and David’s repair shops every day, with increasingly more complicated...

May I Enter

May I Enter is a documentary essay filmed in an island off the coast of Bahia (Brazil) in which the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé is as much researched as experientially

Out of the Blue

Cyprian, Filip, Ola and Kuba are only four out of fifteen of young patients who are in a long-term coma. Their parents are determined...

End of the World

The End of the World is an intimate documentary where a couple of stories weave into one narrative during one night. In a big...


In 2014 Pino and Alessio, volunteers for the non-governmental organization "Amigos do bem estar", passed through the Brazilian Amazonian forest and encountered the native...


Masha is dreaming of winning the fitness bikini models championship cup. She has been working on achieving this goal for many years. She has...


A suburban Bandung family enjoys their pastime with Ngadu Bagong, a Sundanese traditional game where dogs are put to fight against a boar. Ade...

Habitat – personal notes

The film is about Garrthalala as a place and how the community who live there are connected with other beings, including ancestors, animals and plants. Aboriginal people have lived in Arnhem Land for over 45,000 years.

The Devil’s Moves

Since repetition is the essence of festive rites, each year, the people of Cetina participate in their fiestas - the series of celebrations in...

Pomors: Happy People

This film is the result of a long-lasting research of the culture and historical uniqueness of the Pomors living on the White Sea coast....