Free Flying/ Свободный полёт



Free Flying/ Свободный полёт

Free Flying/ Свободный полёт
Russia/ Spain, 2020, 41’
in Russian/ Spanish w/ Eng./ Arm. subtitles

Director, Scriptwriter and Producer: Algis Arlauskas
Cinematographer: Algis Arlauskas
Editor: Algis Arlauskas
How and for what reasons do our beloved children turn into difficult adolescents? At what point does their maturity arrive and when do they recover the respect due to their parents? It takes a lifetime to answer these questions. Only cinema can make time disappear and a simple conversation between a father and son becomes a dialogue between generations.

Algis Arlauskas

Born in 1957 in Moscow, Russia, Algis Arlauskas graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theatre School as an actor in 1978. In 1978-1983 he was the leading actor in the Moscow Theatre for Young Spectators. In 1987 Algis graduated from the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) as a film director. Algis has acted in more than 20 films, including Sea Cadet of Northern Fleet (1974), Take Care of the Women (1981), Sports Lottery 82 (1982), Love for Love (1983), Bribe (1983), Peter the Great (1986), etc. He is a prizewinner of international film festivals and CEO of “Anima Eskola” (School of Theatre and Film Arts in Bilbao, Spain).




Touch (1987), Non-Personal File (1988), Travelling the Distance (1990), To Live and Die in Russia (1991 – 1994, TV series), Mother’s Letter (2002), Winner (2008, TV series), Woman Confidential (2011), The Madman’s Conspiracy (2016), Free Flying (2020).