Greetings from Festival 2018


Greetings from Festival 2018

Only by coming into contact with the other do we grasp ourselves. By grasping ourselves we seek to understand and get to know the other and by understanding we start to sympathize with them. In contrast, the unknown and the unclear generate fear, distrust and enmity.
Understanding the life, manners and traditions, struggles and experiences of other nations, tribes, social and religious groups – this is what “Apricot Tree” calls for and aspires to. And nothing can realize that aspiration better and more effectively, than “documentary” cinema, which lets the audience not only see, but also sympathize with the reality of the screen.
We cordially salute all participants and guests of the festival and we hope that the celebration of cinema in the hospitable village of Ujan will make our world just a drop more comprehensive and kinder.

Garegin Zakoyan
Apricot Tree Ujan IFF director
Filmadaran NGO president