Greetings from Ministry 2019


Greetings from Ministry 2019

I cordially salute the guests and participants of the Apricot Tree Ujan International Documentary Film Festival and extent my gratitude to the organizers.
The field of cinema, where you work and invest your creative thought and abilities, is very important. Yet from the point of view of human understanding and sympathy, as well as the discovery of various nations and religions, documentary cinema is irreplaceable.
The festival creates opportunities to get acquainted with Armenian everyday life and culture, which is quite peculiar especially for a documentary filmmaker. At the same time the festival is a unique channel for the rural population to explore international art and way of life.
The festival corresponds with the state policy of decentralizing culture, which is a welcome initiative.
I wish new artistic achievements for the participants, vivid aesthetic impressions for the audience, and to the Apricot Tree Ujan International Documentary Film Festival I say – have an interesting and productive run.

Arayik Khzmalyan
Deputy RA Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport