Happy Pills


Happy Pills

Elena turned 55. The dreams of her youth did not come true. Her three children went their separate ways, while her husband feels like a stranger to her. Searching to regain the sense of living she decides to do multilevel marketing and make the whole population of a small provincial city in Belarus a lot healthier.

Alexander Zubovlenko

Alexander Zubovlenko was born and grew up in Belarus. In 2012, he moved to Moscow, and was accepted to the Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK) Documentary Film Department. Since 2016, he studied at the School of Documentary Film Directing and Documentary Theatre of Marina Razbejkina and Mikhail Ugarov.

Cinderella, 2015
Extras: Close-Up, 2016
Happy Pills, 2017

Film Details:

Belarus, 2017, 31’
in Russian w/ Eng. subtitles

Director & Writer: Alexander Zubovlenko
Producer: Alexander Zubovlenko
Cinematographer: Alexander Zubovlenko
Editor: Alexander Zubovlenko
Sound: Alexey Bobreshow