


In 2014 Pino and Alessio, volunteers for the non-governmental organization “Amigos do bem estar”, passed through the Brazilian Amazonian forest and encountered the native tribe of the Wayampi, which live in the Amapà, in North-East Brazil. Here, especially among the children, malaria still continues to have a high incidence and toll. Two years later, Pino and Alessio, with the help of the Ministry of Indigenous Health and with the funds gathered in the meantime, decide to go back to the Wayampi village in order to build a medical center. During the trip and while waiting for the necessary authorizations, they do a stopover in the Oiapoque, a place on the border with the French Guyana, bringing humanitarian aid to other natives that live in Wacà area and getting to know the inhabitants.

Luciano Toriello

Luciano Toriello was born in Lucera (Fg) in 1981. In 2015 he made his debut as a director and editor with the documentary leviteaccanto (next to me), which depicts the lives of 4 migrants in Italy. In 2016 he made Hummingbird, a documentary filmed in the indigenous tribes of the Amazon located in the extreme north of Brazil, produced by the Brazilian NGO “Amigos do bem estar” and Me and Manfredi, a short documentary dedicated to the sculptor Salvatore Lovaglio. He is the editor and director of photography for Against Nature (2015) and Situation (2014), both directed by Alessandro Piva. He is currently involved in the documentary Erma produced by Apulia Film Commission for the Memory Project.

2016 – Erma

2016 – Hummingbird
2016 – Me and Manfredi
2015 – next to me


Film Details:

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