My Name Is Sami


My Name Is Sami

My Name Is Sami
Germany/ Italy, 2020, 4’
in English w/ Eng./ Arm. subtitles

Director, Scriptwriter, and Performer: Daniela Lucato
Cinematographer: Jacopo Pantaleoni
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sami apparently calls a friend to tell her a tragic episode. This short film was made during the lockdown and finished on 25th April 2020. It is a reflection of domestic violence, human rights, and women’s condition. It is based on a real-life conversation that the director had with a female friend.


Daniela Lucato

Daniela Lucato started playing theatre in Padua (Italy) parallel to her studies at the university. After her degree in Philosophy, she moved to Rome, Wellington, and finally Berlin, where she works as an actress/filmmaker. The Birthday (2014), her first short film, written and directed in Mandarin and English, has been officially selected for 25 international festivals (among these MICGénero, Frameline, ShanghaiPRIDE, where the film was also nominated for the best cinematography). In 2015, she founded Connecting Fingers Company. Her film For the Time Being (2018) received the best international short film award at DUAF/ Tribeca Film Center.


The Birthday (2014, short film), When I Dance (2016, feature documentary), The Wheel (2017, short film), For the Time Being (2018, short film), Vieni (2019, short film), Mamma dorme (2020, short film), My name is Sami (2020, short film).