Once Upon A Time


Once Upon A Time


Once Upon A Time – Mi zhamanak


A poor crowded Kurdish family arrives from Batman to Ankara to work on the fields every year. Without any benefits and with very low wages the family works to gain a living by cultivating lettuce. This year the story takes a different turn gearing into a sudden unexpected love story. The tale being told by the mother to her kids in the tent on the fields becomes real. The docudrama also narrates the process of lettuce coming from the fields to diner tables. It reveals that so many stories and so much labor stand behind the simplest food we find on our tables. It also shows that modern slavery continues to exist even in today\’s world.


October 00, 2015
Silk Road Hotel Screening Hall

Producer(s): Kazim Oz
Director(s): Kazim Oz
Script(s): Kazim Oz
Cinematographer(s):Kazim Oz & Semih Yildiz
Sound(s):Selahattin Mardin
Edited(s): Kazim Oz & Semih Yildiz
Language(s): Kurdish & Turkish
Country: Turkey
Year: 2014
Running Time: 81 min
Production Company: Banjar