Sunless/ Sans Soleil

Sunless/ Sans Soleil
France, 1983, 104’
in French w/ Eng./ Arm. subtitles
Director: Chris Marker
Scriptwriter: Chris Marker (Sandor Krasna)
Cinematography: Chris Marker (Sandor Krasna)
Editor: Chris Marker
Composer: Chris Marker (Michel Krasna)
Narrator: Florence Delay
Production Company: Argos Films
Expanding the documentary genre, this experimental essay-film is a composition of thoughts, images, and scenes, mainly from Japan and Guinea-Bissau, “two extreme poles of survival”. Some other scenes were filmed in Cape Verde, Iceland, Paris, and San Francisco. A female narrator reads from letters supposedly sent to her by the (fictitious) cameraman Sandor Krasna. The content derived from the juxtaposition of narrative and image adds meaning to the film.