Thursday, September 19, 2024

In the Light

(Razmik Grigoryan, Armenia, 2017, 65’)

Planeta Petrila

Special Jury Prize (Andrei Dăscălescu, Romania, 2016, 80’) As a very well-constructed documentary project, Planeta Petrila follows the pangs of post-industrial reconversion letting us see with our own eyes the unfolding, on a very local scale, of global dynamics that concerns us all.

Survival Songs: From West to East

Survival Songs: From West to East is an ethnographic collage composed of stories and songs of people from various Armenian communities formed after the...


There are three settlements with loud names in the countryside of Russia’s Altay region: the Russian Paris, the German Cannes and the Ukrainian Orleans....


Set in the informal movie marketplaces of Managua, Nicaragua, Distribution offers a vibrant, immersive glimpse into lives built around making big-budget American cultural products...

Remember Your Name, Babylon

Somewhere in Spain, between the corridors of greenhouses in a plastic-covered world, grow small shantytowns, home to men and women, who have crossed the...

At the Other Side of Technology

Ahmed, Halid and Ismaeel, immigrants from the Northern Region (Ghana) belonging to the Dagomba minority tribe, live and work in Agbogbloshie, a district in...

Sacred Voices

In Cuglieri, a small town in Midwestern Sardinia, festivities during Holy Week are traditionally accompanied by a small choir called Cuncordu. The choir is...

Juancito Paván

Juan Paván has been a barber for 80 years without rest. A life-long job that will soon come to an end. His salon with...

Message from RA Minister of Culture 2017

I cordially salute the participants and guests of the Apricot Tree Third International Documentary Film Festival. This festival has true potential to assume a significant...