Thursday, September 19, 2024


The village of Ujan is located on the foot of Mount Aragats’ South-Western slope, in the Ashtarak Region of Armenia’s Aragatsotn Province and on...

Great Siberian Rivers: Biryusa

UJAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL AWARD (Pavel Fattakhutdinov, Russia, 2014)

Escape to Life: the Erika and Klaus Mann Story

Erika and Klaus Mann, the two brilliant eldest children of writer Thomas Mann, often claimed to be identical twins - ignoring the fact that...

Message from RA Minister of Culture

I salute the organizers, participants and guests of Apricot Tree IV International Film Festival. With its important mission the festival contributes to a more active...

Exotica, Erotica, Etc

All five colorful characters in the absurdly comedic, yet tragic documentary Life is Be live in Telavi in Eastern Georgia. Two of them are...

Schedule 2018

ՈՒՋԱՆԻ ՀՐԱՊԱՐԱԿ UJAN SQUARE 15.09 20:30 Վահրիճն ու սև քառակուսին / ռեժ.՝ Անդրեյ Զագդանսկի Vagrich and the Black Square / dir. Andrei Zagdansky Ukraine 77’, >40, OF Lang.: Rus. Subt.: Eng./Arm.   ՈՒՋԱՆԻ ԴՊՐՈՑ UJAN SCHOOL 16.09 17:00 Սիբիրի...

Planeta Petrila

Special Jury Prize (Andrei Dăscălescu, Romania, 2016, 80’) As a very well-constructed documentary project, Planeta Petrila follows the pangs of post-industrial reconversion letting us see with our own eyes the unfolding, on a very local scale, of global dynamics that concerns us all.

Jean Rouch, an Adventurous Filmmaker


The Others

Special Jury Prize (Ayşe Polat, Turkey/ Germany, 2016)

Greetings from Festival 2018

Only by coming into contact with the other do we grasp ourselves. By grasping ourselves we seek to understand and get to know the...