Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Rock

Swathed from head to toe in black, a woman is breaking stones out of a rock wall using a crowbar and her bare hands....

16 District, 16 Floors, 16 People

This short film features the 16 district in Yerevan, Armenia, where the legacy of the Soviet Union still occupies the minds and daily lives...


Grand Prize (Reza Majlesi, Iran, 2017)

The Teacher

Musicologist Armen Budaghyan forbids the making of a film about himself saying that there are other more worthy people, who should be filmed first....

Happy Pills

Elena turned 55. The dreams of her youth did not come true. Her three children went their separate ways, while her husband feels like...

The End of Bitterness

The End of Bitterness explores the phenomenon of begging and the positionality of beggars in the rapidly changing Chinese society. The film follows the...

Message from RA Minister of Culture

I salute the organizers, participants and guests of Apricot Tree IV International Film Festival. With its important mission the festival contributes to a more active...

The Others

Special Jury Prize (Ayşe Polat, Turkey/ Germany, 2016)

Greetings from Festival 2018

Only by coming into contact with the other do we grasp ourselves. By grasping ourselves we seek to understand and get to know the...

Exotica, Erotica, Etc

All five colorful characters in the absurdly comedic, yet tragic documentary Life is Be live in Telavi in Eastern Georgia. Two of them are...