Thursday, September 19, 2024

Schedule 2019

ՈՒՋԱՆԻ ԱԶԱՏԱՄԱՐՏԻԿՆԵՐԻ ՀՈՒՇԱՀԱՄԱԼԻՐ UJAN’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS MEMORIAL 14.09 20:00 Վերջին օրը / ռեժ.՝ Ալեքսանդր Ռաստորգուև The Last Day / dir. Alexander Rastorguev Russia 26’, OF Lang.: Arm./ Rus. Subt.: Eng. ՈՒՋԱՆԻ ԱԶԱՏԱՄԱՐՏԻԿՆԵՐԻ ՀՈՒՇԱՀԱՄԱԼԻՐ UJAN’S FREEDOM...

Greetings from Festival 2019

Dear friends! Participants, guests and spectators of the 5th Apricot Tree Ujan International Documentary Film Festival! We heartily salute you and deeply hope that the festival...


Special Jury Prize. Kasiet Kubanychbek kyzy, Kyrgyzstan, 2017, 22’


Special Mention. Arman Harutyunyan, Armenia, 2019, 23’


Special Jury Prize. Dir. Dasha Demura, Belarus/ Russia, 2018, 54’

Greetings from Ministry 2019

I cordially salute the guests and participants of the Apricot Tree Ujan International Documentary Film Festival and extent my gratitude to the organizers. The field...


Ujan Community Council Prize Dir. Yaser Talebi, Iran, 2018, 54’

True Blue

Folk Arts Hub Foundation Special Prize Dir. Swati Dandekar, India, 2018, 68’

A Punk Daydream

Belgium/ Indonesia, 2019, 65’ Director: Jimmy Hendrickx Scripwriters: Jimmy Hendrickx and Kristian van Der Heyden Cinematographer: Jimmy Hendrickx Producer: Kristian van Der Heyden Sound: Dijf Sanders, Paul Chambers Editor: Jimmy...

Happy Today

Grand Prize Giulio Tonincelli, France/ Italy/ Uganda, 2017, 18’