Thursday, September 19, 2024


Russia, 2012, 24’ Director and scriptwriter: Aleksandra Strelyanaya Cinematographer: Aleksandra Strelyanaya Producer: Alexey Telnov Sound: Aleksandr Laneev Editor: Aleksandra Strelyanaya Production Company: Saint Petersburg Documentary Film Studio Kola Peninsula. Varzuga village....


Special Jury Prize. Dir. Dasha Demura, Belarus/ Russia, 2018, 54’

Happy Today

Grand Prize Giulio Tonincelli, France/ Italy/ Uganda, 2017, 18’

Schedule 2019

ՈՒՋԱՆԻ ԱԶԱՏԱՄԱՐՏԻԿՆԵՐԻ ՀՈՒՇԱՀԱՄԱԼԻՐ UJAN’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS MEMORIAL 14.09 20:00 Վերջին օրը / ռեժ.՝ Ալեքսանդր Ռաստորգուև The Last Day / dir. Alexander Rastorguev Russia 26’, OF Lang.: Arm./ Rus. Subt.: Eng. ՈՒՋԱՆԻ ԱԶԱՏԱՄԱՐՏԻԿՆԵՐԻ ՀՈՒՇԱՀԱՄԱԼԻՐ UJAN’S FREEDOM...

The Dolls Fiction

Iran, 2018, 20’ Director and Scriptwriter: Seyed Mostafa Fakhari Niry Cinematographer: Mohamad Sajad Dehghani Producer: Seyed Mostafa Fakhari Niry Sound: Ali Abdolhosseini Editor: Saeid Salman Roghani Production Company: Mostafa Media An...

Greetings from Ministry 2019

I cordially salute the guests and participants of the Apricot Tree Ujan International Documentary Film Festival and extent my gratitude to the organizers. The field...

Maria Chuprinskaya

Maria Chuprinskaya Maria Chuprinskaya is a Russian producer, screenwriter, director, actress and performer. She graduated with honors from the Moscow State University Department of Journalism...

Atlantis of the Russian North

Russia, 2015, 74’ Director: Sofia Gorlenko Scriptwriter: Gleb Kuznetsov Cinematographer: Daniil Salkhov Producer: Gleb Kuznetsov Production Company: Sirin Cinema Company The Russian North is one of the few places in...

The Manakia Brothers. Diary of a Long Look Back

Romania, 2017, 90’ Director and Scriptwriter: Eliza Zdru Cinematographer: Paula Onet Producer: Alexandru Teodorescu Production Company: SAGA Film A quest to discover the origins of an old photograph takes...

Cows and Queens

Portugal, 2018, 38’ Director and Scriptwriter: Laura Marques Cinematographer: Laura Marques Producer: Laura Marques Sound: Laura Marques, Giorgio Gristina Editor: Laura Marques The Herens cattle is a race of cows...